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redbodysuit_t.jpg Red male bodysuit
Scaled for 8 inch
blue_bodysuit_new.jpg Blue bodysuit
$5.00 $4.00 On Sale!
Royal blue
darkbluebodysuit_t.jpg Cobalt blue bodysuit
More of an dark or electric blue
yellowbodysuit_t.jpg Yellow male bodysuit
Scaled for 8 inch megos
brownbodysuit_t.jpg Brown bodysuit
Chocolate brown
ltgreenbodysuit_t.jpg Light Green bodysuit
Lime green
magentabodysuit_t.jpg Magenta/Lt. Purple bodysuit
I call it magenta - but it is also a reddish purple.
bodysuitwhite_t.jpg White bodysuit
Best for dyeing - but wash it well first to remove the chemical treatment that keeps it from yellowing.
blackbodysuit_t.jpg Black bodysuit
purple_bodysuit.jpg Purple bodysuit
$7.00 $5.00 On Sale!
Just arrived from China - proper purple bodysuit.
shortsred_t.jpg Red shorts
Scaled for 8 inch male and females.
yellowshorts_t.jpg Yellow shorts
What more can I say?
shortsblack_t.jpg Black shorts
What can you do with black shorts? What CAN'T you do with black shorts! Now back in stock!
shortsgreen_t.jpg Green shorts
Forest green
grayshorts.jpg Gray shorts
To match the gray bodysuit
whiteshorts_t.jpg White shorts
Best to use for dyeing.
orangeshorts.jpg Orange shorts
Yellow shorts dyed to a light orange.
greentunic_t.jpg Green tunic
One piece kelly green sleeveless tunic.
greentorso_t.jpg Green torso piece
Sleeveless torso piece
blacktorso_t.jpg Black torso piece
Sleeveless black torso piece
purpletorso_t.jpg Purple torso piece
Made from purple spandex, not dyed.
bluesuit_t.jpg Blue dress suit
Jacket, pants, and white shirt with red tie.
graysuit_t.jpg Gray dress suit
Jacket, pants, white shirt with dark blue tie.
femredbodysuit_t.jpg Female red bodysuit
Male bodysuit trimmed to fit female and teen bodies.
fembluebodysuit_t.jpg Female blue bodysuit
Scaled for female 8 inch.
femdarkbluebodysuit_t.jpg Female cobalt blue bodysuit
Slightly darker than regular blue.
femblackbodysuit_t.jpg Female black bodysuit
Male bodysuit cut down to fit females.
fembrownbodysuit_t.jpg Female brown bodysuit
Chocolate brown
femltgreenbodysuit_t.jpg Female light green bodysuit
Lime green
fempinkbodysuit_t.jpg Female pink bodysuit
Dyed pink - may have some dark spots.
fempurplebodysuit_t.jpg Female purple bodysuit
White bodysuit dyed purple - may have some dark spots.
femgraybodysuit_t.jpg Female gray bodysuit
Made in China - not dyed gray.
femyellowbodysuit_t.jpg Female yellow bodysuit
purplecollarcape_t.jpg Purple female strap cape
Hand made
blackfemstrapcape_t.jpg Black female strap cape
Hand made
redfemcape_t.jpg Red female strap cape
bluefemstrapcape_t.jpg Blue female strap cape
Can be made in other colors
labcoat_t.jpg White Labcoat
$5.00 $4.00 On Sale!
Made in China - now back in stock - at a lower price!
furshorts_t.jpg Fur shorts
Hand made with a brown velvet material.
greenhoodcape_t.jpg Green hood and cape
One piece hood and cape. Can be made in other colors.
brownhandbag_t.jpg Brown satchel
Made in China
12redcape_t.jpg 12 inch cape
Standard hero cape scaled to mego 12 inch.
blackcape_t.jpg Black cape
$5.00 $4.00 On Sale!
Scaled to 8 inch megos - made in China.
blackuniformpants_t.jpg Star Trek pants
For 8 inch MEGO action figures - back in stock while supplies last.
bluetorso_t.jpg Blue torso piece
Also available in other colors.
purplecollarcape_t.jpg Purple collar cape
Hand made
whitecape_t.jpg White collar cape
Hand made
purplejacket_t.jpg Purple jacket
Made in China
tuxedojacket_t.jpg Black tuxedo jacket
Made in China
redcollarcape_t.jpg Red collar cape
Hand made - can be made in other colors
purpleshorts_t.jpg Purple shorts
White shorts dyed purple
redmaleelasticcape_t.jpg Red male cape
$7.00 $5.00 On Sale!
Standard hero cape with elastic collar to be sewn into the bodysuit. Now made in China.
yellowcape_t.jpg Yellow collar cape
Made in China
redsweater_t.jpg Red sweater
Alter-ego Parker sweater - made in China.
Red torso piece
Can be made in other colors.
whitesparklesuit_t.jpg White sparkle suit
Thinner version of the Andorian bodysuit.
blue_shirt_new.jpg Blue shirt
The is a newer Spock/McCoy shirt. It is not a nice as the other one, so the price is cheaper.
redshirt_t.jpg Scotty shirt
$5.00 $3.00 On Sale!
These are just arrived from China and they fit great but I was not happy about the position of the gold rank bands on the sleeves, so I am lowering the price as a result.
Light blue pants
For alter-ego Parker.
ltgreenshorts_t.jpg Light green shorts
Yellow shorts dyed to lime green
bluemalecape_t.jpg Blue male cape
Blue male cape scaled to 8 inch megos
bluefemcape_t.jpg Blue female cape
black_pirate_outfit.jpg Black pirate outfit
Black shirt with a flared out collar and pants that only come down to the calf. Perfect for a pirate or other swashbuckler. Use chips boots or a Star Trek body. It reminds me of someone....
dg_ae_outfit.jpg DG_AE outfit
$15.00 $7.99 On Sale!
Perfect for the young ward or college student.
purple_pants.jpg Purple pants
I wanted these in light blue but the factory sent them in purple - it's not worth sending them back - so I am dropping the price to move them. Maybe your general ape or lizard needs new pants?
alterego_hat.jpg Black alter-ego hat
This is a repro of the actual alter-ego CK hat, it is different from the Wild Bill Hickock hat.
black_pirate_set.jpg Black pirate costume set
Black pirate shirt and pants - made in China - with a hand made black cape with tie strings and a rapier sword included.
Red tunic
Red snap front tunic with short sleeves and a yellow collar cape included. Made in China.
western_bodysuit.jpg Western style sleeveless bodysuit
For a custom gunfighter, sheriff, or any clown in a western town.
brown_black_leather_costume.jpg Soldier brown/black leather costume
Brown tights, black leather tunic with brown sleeves, and gloves to match - THAT'S RIGHT - GLOVES!!!
purple_black_leather_costume.jpg Purple & black leather costume
Purple sleeves, leggings, and glove tips give this outfit a command presence. Build your army with plenty of high command. Made in China.
green_proper_bodysuit.jpg Proper green bodysuit
Kelly green bodysuit - a proper Irish green.
ripped_pants_8inch.jpg Ripped pants for 8 inch large body
Handmade magenta pants with a string around the waist and tears in the lower legs.
green_turtleneck_bodysuit.jpg Green turtleneck bodysuit
Green bodysuit with turtleneck. Not available in other colors. Limited quantity available.
12inch_ripped_white_shirt.jpg 12 inch large white ripped shirt
Scaled to the very large 12 inch MEGO, this shirt has cuts in the sleeves due to sudden muscle mass growth. White is the default color but I can make it in other colors.
graybodysuit_t.jpg Gray bodysuit
Charcoal gray bodysuit
doctor_uniform.jpg Doctor uniform
Classic doctor uniform, also works for dentists, barbers, and make-up artists. White shirt and pants with a velcro close in front. Used for the Bif Bang Pow Twilight Zone "pig" doctor and the custom Jack Pierce mego made for Monsterpalooza. Accepts Ritt fabric dye well for more color options.
12pants.jpg 12 inch purple pants
Purple cotton pants with a string closure. Can be made in other colors.
yellowcbelt_t.jpg Yellow cloth belt
Finally back in stock! Metal buckle - elastic yellow belt
bluegloves_t.jpg Blue vinyl gloves
$5.00 $3.00 On Sale!
Made in China - with the fin on the side.
greengloves_t.jpg Green gloves
$5.00 $3.00 On Sale!
Vinyl gloves - we call them oven-mitts. Back in stock at a lower price!